Let me just say that St. Patrick's Day will always leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Last year it was right after I broke up with Ex-Boy. I was around annoying drunk people the whole day, stuck really far off campus with no transportation anywhere. I finally sobered up and played DD to a party my friends were having that night. By the time we got there everyone had been drinking all day long and were so on edge that it just wasn't any fun- for a lot of people.
Then I looked over and there it was, Ex-Boy, whom I had only been broken up with for two weeks, yet we still hooked up the week before (I had a hard time letting go), making out with a girl that was brought along to the party with one of my friends.
Needless to say I spent the night in tears.
This year wasn't any better.
First off it was a stressful day of classes, which, when they ended I had a gruesome paper to write that I had been putting off for over a month that was due two days prior (I got a couple days extended).
After I finally finished the paper, which normally should have only taken me an hour or two to write, yet took me four hours to finish, I got ready for film club- something fun, right?
Well BJ-M decided that none of them were going to go, and I already agreed to meet an acquaintance there. So I was stuck, without any of my confidants, attending film club expecting to see the Pres there. Luckily he was too much of a pussy to show his face.
A good friend, we'll name her K Girl, ended up coming by and we went to BJ-M's place, despite that fact that he pissed me off by not attending last minute.
We walk into a house, which you must imagine, that I know like the back of my hand. I've basically lived there the past three and a half months. The guys that live there are my best male friends, and know more than most about me, vice versa. It's the kind of friendship that I can just show up unannounced and we end up hanging out cooped up there for three hours straight.
We have a solid group of friends that party and hang out with us that we very rarely stray from and if we do it's usually only one or two randoms that show up.
So I walk in and walk downstairs to where there is a plethora of party voices, only to find SEVEN people whom I have absolutely NO idea who they are, and only TWO of my friends. You must understand that to walk into a situation like that with no prior warning is very uncomfortable.
It turns out that these are people BJ-M and friends met on spring break in Panama. One of which, is a girl BJ-M was obviously hooking up with considering the fact that she CLUNG to his arm as if the world was going to end...ALL night. If that wasn't annoying enough, she was extremely unfriendly when I attempted to talk to her.
The time I spent trying to enjoy myself with K Girl and Jar (another friend), was soiled only by BJ-M coming up to me and whispering in my ear "oh my god you're so poutty, stop pouting! wow you are so mad at me! You are so mad! You're pouting so much!"
Truth is, I was really trying to have fun up until that point- I was singing along with the music, dancing with my friends. But after he kept doing that- which is what he obviously wanted to see me doing, and after the hooker that was clinging was as unfriendly as she was, I really did start to pout.
I sat there with phone in hand, and played on it for 2 hours. Once I was finally okay to drive I up and left, barely saying goodbye to anyone.
I turned to the hooker and throw her a quick "nice meeting you," without really even looking at her, and leave.
What probably pissed me off the most was the fact that BJ-M was a completely different person in front of this girl. He wouldn't even play the music he liked (hardcore) until she left, but when she came back he'd switch it off. He barely talked to me and Jar because we are the prime people he likes to freak out on, which I'm sure he didn't want to do in front of her, even though we all know he's only joking around, or that's just how he is.
I don't care anymore. I'll admit it.
I don't have those kind of feelings for BJ-M anymore. But I definitely am the competitive, jealous best friend.
I don't like change- especially when I see it going in a bad direction. Anyone who asks you, or you feel you must, change yourself for, isn't worth it. Who I am is too important, more important than some college hook up or relationship.
I think I need a break from my group of friends now.