Saturday, September 29, 2007

ADD in a post.

Campus has that perfect fall feeling right now. Just chilly enough to wear a zip up or a hoodie. My dorm room window has a tree right in front of it. The leaves on it are starting to change colors and it lights the room in a home-like way. However, it's somewhat of a catch 22. Yeah fall is beautiful- but with it comes seasonal depression (yes, I just made that term up).


I was bored and decided to look up my ADD medicine online. Apparently, it causes suicidal thoughts among teens and children. Well, I don't have suicidal thoughts, but it's scary knowing that my meds could cause them.
It also causes severe liver injury. I've been on it for over a year, and nothing has happened yet, but why didn't I know about this stuff before? It's just kind of weird.

I've decided I can't live in the same room with someone. I really hate it. Not to mention my roommate's a pathological liar. I can't even count how many times I've caught her in a lie. It's ridiculous.

I can't help but feel...I'm not cut out for this.

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