So I found out people actually read my blog. Strange, I know. That picture was also taken at the Pistons game. I must say, I never really realized how close I am with my Dad. I mean, I've always considered myself super close with my Mom, I tell her everything. My Dad, however, not so much. Thinking about it though, my Dad and I are kind of like my roommate and myself. We have our best talks between the hours of 11 PM and 3 AM. Also, just like my roommate, whenever my Dad is on his computer, he is not to be bothered. There is no point trying to talk to him, because you won't respond. Within this past year and a half, I'd say, is when we got closer. Partially because thats when he started smoking again, so he'd wake up in the middle of the night to eat something and smoke a cigarette, and we'd just have an hour long talk about life.
Also, the couple weeks before I left for school, I was an emotional wreck. Every night for two weeks straight I'd cry myself to sleep. Well, when my Dad would wake up to have his midnight snack, he would notice how upset I was and he would just talk it all out with me. Sometimes I think, if it weren't for those talks, I wouldn't have ended up actually going to school. He really calmed me down.
Another awesome thing about my Dad is, he can't stay mad at me. We'll get into a fight, I'll go storming off into my room in tears, and five minutes later he'll come into my room and make a funny face or do a funny voice, and try to make me laugh. The longest I think I've ever fought with my Dad, and stayed mad at him was fifteen minutes. He's such a loving person, he just can't hold a grudge. Like the other day, for example, my Mom and him were fighting. He left, came home a little later and put a Tapper's Jewelry bag on her pillow. They started fighting again, and my mom looked over at her pillow and there her gift was. She obviously didn't stay mad long, because she wanted to open her jewelry. Not that he thinks jewelry will solve everything. He taught me so much about standing up for myself, and talking out issues, instead of running away from them. If it weren't for my parents, I'd be a coward.
I only hope I can find a guy as great as my Dad. As lame, and cliche as that sounds, he is the perfect guy. My parents act like they are still 19, and just met. Every single Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, the occasional Birthday and Hanukkah, my dad buys both my Mom and I jewelry. We aren't rich, by any means, and he is constantly complaining about money, yet he will still go out of his way to do that one special thing for us on those special days, just to show he cares.
This year, on sweetest day, he tricked me into thinking all he got my mom was a card, and me a box of chocolate. Which would have been fine. He came in and handed me a box of chocolate and my mom her card. We both opened them, with somewhat disappointment, because it's almost like a tradition that we get jewelry. After we opened them, he came back upstairs with both of our real gifts in tow.
I know I have to live it up now, because most likely, I'm not going to find a guy who gets me nice things every fricking holiday, and I don't expect it. I feel bad, but I really don't wear ALL of my jewelry as often as I'd like. But my Dad does go out of his way to make me feel special, to show me that he truly cares, and that he loves me. He's the kind of guy, I could only hope for.
I guess that's my ode to my father.
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