Saturday, February 16, 2008

An Update

So... I don't even know how to put this. I am retarded when it comes to boys. Awful, just awful. Last night I get a drunk dial from my friend, "Danielleeee!!! Why aren't you talking to 'boy'?" I reply, "What?" She says, "Here, talk to your boyfriend," I say, "He's NOT my boyfriend...ohhh hey." "Heyy...I can't hear you...I'll tlaktj alit to you later." I hang up. This morning I'm talking to that same friend, and I recall last night to her, and her drunken phone call, in which she proceeds to tell me that when she was talking to him, she asked him if his "girlfriend? was there" and he replied, "Yeah, my girlfriend, I don't know". AWKWARD. Since when is dating, and being in a relationship synonymous of each other? Is it possible that girls and guys actually have different definitions, if not each individual having different definitions of the two concepts? I always thought, when we said we were dating, that we were just "dating". Nothing serious, just semi-exclusive (exclusive only to those in the same group of friends), and just laid back, but not yet relationship status. I also assumed relationship meant actually having communication and an exchange of words something along the lines of- lets take it to the next level, girlfriend? That's just me.

So I have a bunch of issues now. For one, if I am his girlfriend, like he so drunkenly thought, then how the fuck did he think he was going to get away with NOT TALKING to me on Valentine's Day, let alone, that WHOLE week, while I was SICK! For two, is this how relationships are supposed to work?! I don't fucking think so. Also, since I was planning to stop seeing him, what the fuck do I do now?? I know I have to talk to him, but I'm scared to bring the GF word into the conversation, because what if, in fact, he only said that because he was drunk, and he didn't mean it, talk about embarrassing- Hey so i heard you called me your girlfriend, i didn't exactly realize thats what this was i thought we were just dating...umm i was drunk we are just dating- see what I mean by awkward. Also, I don't want to come off as nagging. I don't know how to talk to him so I don't sound nagging, especially because the only time we do talk we are drunk, or on AIM. I know, very lame of us...I blame him.

One thing I did do, I finally changed my status to "It's Complicated." I figured, it has been pretty damn complicated, why not let everyone know..maybe he'll see it- probably not.

He's clueless.

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