Sunday, October 26, 2008

Film Studies

'They' say that when you go to college, on average, you'll change your major twice before finally picking one you'll graduate with.  Technically, I've already changed mine twice- but I don't believe the first change counts.  When I applied for MSU I stated that instead of going in undecided, I'd do a journalism concentration.  About 2 months before I actually went to school, I had talked myself into doing a General Business Administration Pre-Law major.  So if you're really picky, I guess you could consider this my first 'major change', however, I don't.

The next time I changed my major was last year around the beginning of second semester.  I was thinking about what I would really do with a pre-law major, because I really didn't want to go to law school.

I knew from the time I graduated high school that I wanted to end up in Hollywood, I wanted to be the next 'Ari Gold'.  This being because I wasn't (and still, I'm not) good enough to actually do the acting (although, I still wish I were).

So there I was, thinking about pre-law, and it hit me.  "What am I doing?  As an agent your job is to market your client!"  Thus I changed  my major to marketing.

So really- that was my first major change.

I've been taking business classes for over a year now...and I hate them.  Absolutely hate them.  As you know, I joined film club recently, which has kick started my constant writing habits again.  What you don't know is that throughout all of my elementary education, writing has always been my favorite subject, and for the most part, I've been good at it (real writing, not this blogging crap).

So, to get to the point.  The other day I, in immense fear, told my parents that I was changing my major from Marketing (business major) to an English major with a film studies  concentration.  That's right.  I want to write screenplays, stage-plays, etc.  Needless to say, my parents kind of flipped a nut.  I explained to them, if I had to stay in a business major doing something I absolutely hated, then I'd just drop out of college and work at McDonalds, in which they finally decided to let me major in a subject I'm actually interested in.

I am now an English Major with a film studies concentration.


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