Today I've got a lot done.
It was the first day of classes, so in addition to attending all of them I started up my fight for the Michigan filming incentive. I must say it's going well. The facebook group really picked up, my article got published in my Universities newspaper, and I've been in contact with a number of other newspapers in Michigan. The work is not even close to being done though.
In happier, lighter, younger news, I'm off probation, in officially, 6 Days 7 hours and 20 minutes. YAY! Since this day happens to fall on MLK jr. Day, my friend BJ-M is throwing me a 'MLK-Danielle is off Probo Day' Party.
Should be fun, however I don't plan on remembering it ;)
I had started this semester off with 17 credits. Then I decided to drop a class, and go down to 14 credits. However, today I just found out that BJ-M is in the class I just dropped, so now I need to try to get back in it because, well, how could I turn down the opportunity to have that much fun in a class with BJ-M?!
I'm so tired. Only an hour and 50 minutes until I'm done!!
Sounds like it's going to be a busy (but fun) semester! Enjoy!
ummmmm i still need to know why you were on probation....!?!?;)
you'll do great in ur classes!
I'm interested in the MFincentive. Let me know if I can help. pter...
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