Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Party Hardy

The other day I was in an unhappy place- but I'm much better now :)

Yesterday was my last day of doing PBT's- so naturally after I took my last one I went over to BJ-M's place and we got our party on.  All my friends came- and it was a blast...what I remember of it haha.

Basically I started drinking at 2 in the afternoon- the boys pegged me to be passed out by 6 PM but I told them I could make it until 9!  I killed a 5th of Captains, a 4 shot white russian, a 6 pack of beer, and a couple games of beer pong...and I made it past 9- hell, I made it to 3 AM!!! How? I have no clue- however I am told that I took a 45 minute power nap haha.

I'm just so glad to be done with the whole thing.  Now I have to make it through Friday then off to Canada I go to party it up for a girls night!

I can't wait!


Jess said...

That is a lot of booze. I can't imagine I could handle it as well as you.
Have fun in Canada..what a fun place to be :)

Anonymous said...

Lol, that is rather a lot of booze, I tagged you by the way, check it out if you fancy.

Jess said...

Hey, don't know if you knew but I've decided to go private and I wanted to be able to include you on the list! I don't have your email address. If you wanted to you can send it to me at jest_teatales@hotmail.com (if you want to keep reading!)