This year I decided I needed to get into it a little more, and I bought a costume, which you all saw, some posts ago. In case you didn't know, in college, Halloween is not one night. If it falls on a weekend, then it's the whole weekend. If it falls in the middle of a week- then it's the weekend before it and the weekend after it. People get really into it.
Thursday night was the first night I went out and rocked the costume. I ended up going out with a friend from high school (will be my roommate next year!) and her roommates from this year. There's this club at state called Ski Club, which really should just be called Drinking Club, because they don't actually ski. You pay 40 dollars dues for the year and you get free alcohol at every party they have. Considering I can't drink, it was still fun to go to their party.
It was in a house, it was PACKED, and everyone was in crazy costumes. Now that I can't drink I'm a lot more aware of guys getting close to my body. At one point I had to tell Borat to back his shit up.
Me: Excuse me Borat, but I'm a BOMB, and I'm U.S. property, so you might want to back off!
Borat: Yeah girl, you are a bomb...a bombshell!
*rolls eyes*
Some crazy scientist was all up on my shit and when he finally stopped hovering and asked me to dance, I politely turned him down, poor kid, I don't think anyone would dance with him, he needs to work on his game.
That's halloween for you though. Everyone is someone else, so it's a new kind of confidence.
Last night, actual halloween, was not as fun as Thursday night.
You see, a couple of my friends like to drink until they've drunk too much, and it just got messy. It's hard to stand by sober and watch people be drunk fools, so I felt obligated to play mom, which, is no fun.
I ended up leaving early, which still aid me in getting up so early this morning to do a PBT.
Probo the morning after halloween...I could have called that.
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