Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving has always been my all time favorite holiday.  If you couldn't tell from the week leading up to last year's Thanksgiving- I get really excited.

My whole life I would wake up in my bed and smell the turkey being made downstairs.  I'd rush down, peering into the dining room, only to see the most beautiful table set with our good China dishes and crystal glassware.  Off I'd be into the kitchen where my mom would be basting the Turkey and prepping to make the stuffing.  I'd flick on the Parade and we'd watch it as we'd prepare our feast.  My Aunt would head over around 10:30-11 ish and we'd all make my Great Grandmother's recipe for stuffing together.  My Aunt would prepare the chestnuts, I'd cut up the celery, and my mom would prepare the bread part.  We'd work all morning.  In the afternoon we would take a nap, and around 4:30 we'd start to get ready for the family.

As long as I can remember this has been my Thanksgiving day.  Around 20-30 people from my family would come and enjoy our feast with us.  When we were done we'd put away all the leftovers and head upstairs.  Around 2 AM my father and I would meet at the fridge and pig out on leftovers.

This year my family decided to change Thanksgiving.  A different Aunt of mine, who used to always have Thanksgiving with her husbands side of the family, is having it.  We, of course, are still making the stuffing...and the turkey, but my Aunt isn't coming in to help prepare, in fact, she isn't coming in at all.

It's going to be different.  It was already weird waking up, going downstairs, not seeing the table set, and leaving to go do a PBT at the police station.

I guess change is normal when you're in College.  It probably shouldn't faze me as much as it does.

Lets just hope Thanksgiving is still amazing.

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