Monday, December 22, 2008

Home is Where the Crazy Is

It would seem I can't get through even one day of being home without fighting with my mother. I love her to death but we both have our resentments.

My relationship with my mother is that of a middle school style friendship. We fight all of the time, but we're best friends.

However, when I come home, a lot of the times I feel like her slave. She sees it as I'm being lazy, but I don't think it's really necessary for me to have to go into a different room just to change the channel for her. She's very well capable.

She's already pretty much told me to go back to MSU. Yeah. Ridiculous.

Lets just hope I get through this week without us killing each other.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Good luck! I moved home for a few months when I finished my undergrad and it was...interesting, to say the least. Love my parents, but wouldn't want to live with them again.