Truth is, in the beginning, I wasn't interested in him. I was still hung up on 'The Let Down' and all I could think of was, what the hell does this kid have to offer.
I was totally playing Samantha on Sex and the City- you know, how she's really only down for one night deals. That's what I though Ex Boy was going to be.
It would also seem that the fact that I was so disinterested in Ex-Boy is what kept the conversation flowing. The more I made excuses not to hang out or broke plans or whatever, the more he kept asking me out, and kept saying all the cute things that would have made me smitten when I wanted him back oh so much after the break up.
I'm starting to truly think that the independent women, the disinterested women, the girl who isn't really 'playing' hard to get, but rather the one that is hard to get, is the girl guys are interested in.
What's so attractive about disinterest?
It rings true both ways, it would seem. The more I try to make plans with FA that don't work out, the more I want to snag him.
What do you think?
I hate hate hate hate HATE the mentality of "playing hard to get".
I hate the chase. I hate the second guessing. I hate having to strategize.
But some guys actually DO like it. It depends on which guy you ultimately want to end up with, I suppose.
See, I don't think most guys like the girls that play hard to get- i think most guys like the girls that ARE hard to get. Maybe its being picky, maybe, for some, it's the chase- but I hate it too. I think it was you that made a post once saying if you want to talk to someone or you're interested then make a move- do what you WANT and see what happens instead of pretending you don't want it..
It's not even a matter in "playing hard to get". . .
It's a matter of having the confidence to make you hard to get. Not the idea that you'd walk all over them, but that you're independent enough to not need them. . . half the time, they just want to be wanted, not so much needed.
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