Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Accounting and Starbucks

So,  I suck at NaBloPoMo.  I figured I post more than once a day so that makes up for missing yesterday :)

I'm in the library right now, my home, working on an accounting project.  I hate school.  Not really, I just hate business.  I'm so sick of caring about it, because really, who cares about money; as long as you have enough of it to live, and then some, it doesn't really matter.

Anyways, this week has been long, and it's only Wednesday.  Luckily, today was lovely.  I slept in, missed my class, and went and officially changed my major with the University Undergraduate Department.  Then, I went to Starbucks in which I ordered my favorite winter drink, a White Peppermint Mocha.  It was quite delicious.  As commercial as Starbucks is, they make some pretty yummy drinks.  I visited Barnes and Nobles and saw a bunch of books that will be going on my gift list this year.  I also window-shopped.  Thus, a great day was in the making.

Tomorrow I will be signing a lease for next year (we do it so early in East Lansing) with one of my best friends.  I can't wait.  Not that living with the boys is all that  bad, but sometimes you just need girl time.

I'm sorry this isn't more interesting to you all, but this accounting project really is taking most of my focus.


Anonymous said...

Aww what a good choice for your favourite drink! Mine is a Chai Latte from Caffe Nero...yum!

Anonymous said...

I just nominated you for an award thingy