Sunday, December 14, 2008

What Other Kind of Trouble can I get Myself Into?

Hmm.  Where to start, where to start?

Well, it is now winter break.  I was home for a day or two, just to get my beloved laptop fixed and pick up my pup.  Last night I decided to make the venture back up to East Lansing with the darling Penny Lane.  It was snowing, wet, and rainy.  Not fun.

I pulled up to my apartment around 6:45-7ish.  I brought penny up to my room then went back down to carry all of my stuff, which I had a lot because of Penny's crate.  When I got up there I opened the door and the two roommates that are still here were setting up for a party.  Great, I thought, this is going to be stressful.

As I was unloading my car, another car pulled up and parked next to mine.  A guy got out of it...a cute guy.  He started to walk inside but then turned back around.  "Hey, do you need help carrying anything?"

I have to say...I was shocked.  It's not often that guys pull a gentleman move on me.  At first I said no, but before he walked away I changed my mind and said yes.  Penny's crate is a bitch to carry up 3 flights of stairs, afterall.

So we chit chatted for a minute as we carried my stuff up.  When we got to my door I opened it, he came in to put penny's crate down, and I introduced him to the roomies, and invited him to the party (completely not expecting him to come).

Somewhere in between all of this I found out he's my neighbor...great.  ANOTHER neighbor boy.  We won't give him a name yet because we don't know where this will go.

Lets just say, he spit some mad game, but I resisted.  I've made that mistake once already.  I did, however, give him my number.

Oh and also-  the original Neighbor Boy came over to the party because my dumb ass roommate decided to invite him.  I was on the new guy's team and he was on a team with one of my friends.  Let me tell you- the two neighbor boys were going at it- verrrrry competitive.

Fuck. My. Life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you're life sounds soo exciting! I want a piece of the action!