Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's been a while.

Right now I'm sitting in the Library waiting for it to be time for me to go to class. In scheduling my classes, I made the mistake of having a huge 3 hour block in between two classes that take place at the same location. So now I must find shit to do to fill in that time.

My classes this semester are as follows:

1. MTH 124
2. EC 201
3. ISB 202
4. ISB 208L
5. IAH 208

Synopsis of each class:
1. MTH 124- This class is run by the woman who runs the review sessions for my last math class. Her voice is really annoying and she inflects her syllables incorrectly, making statements in question form that shouldn't be questions. It's hard to not leave this class annoyed. Downfall grading-wise: there's no homework to cushion my grade, I'm on my own with tests and quizzes. :(

2. EC 201- From the look of this guy's syllabus, I though I'd hate the class. To my advantage, his syllabus was just super confusing, and really it's not as bad as the syllabus led me to believe. Actually doing the readings for the class, I learned that this stuff is kind of interesting. New career path maybe? Ehh, probably not.

3. (I'll get back to ISB 202) ISB 208L- This class is led by a very dorky TA who just wants everyone to like him. It's like taking middle school lab class. Very easy, very likeable. Not to mention dark haired hottie I met.

4. ISB 202- Seeing as this is a lecture class, I wasn't too excited to start it. However when I sat down, after getting there from ISB 208L, same dark haired hottie walked in, so I made a friend! The class itself is taught by a very self conscious woman, who seems to be shy of teaching. It doesn't seem that it will be too hard, except for the fact that tests are weighted to 75% of the final grade. Poop.

5. IAH 208- AKA the class from HELL. The professor is pretty much on his death bed in age. Not to mention he doesn't speak clearly, mumbling a lot, and none of his examples make any sense. His lectures are when he sits by the projector, and projects a video of himself teaching onto the screen. It's pretty ridiculous.

So, for the most part, it's not going to be too bad. Who ever thought that I'd look forward to a lab class, though?!

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