Friday, March 27, 2009

Adventures of a Thursday Night

There's something about the adventures and misadventures of pulling an all-nighter with good friends that is extremely enticing.

Last night had a mist of excitement in the air, even before I had any solid plans.  The night started with a B-roll movie at Replay, a small entertainment exchange in downtown East Lansing.  Basically this event consists as follows:
a.  You hang out with a bunch of hipsters, nerds, and people of all different breeds.
-It's really rather relieving being in an environment with a bunch of people who normally wouldn't fit in the same social circles.
b.  You watch a crappy B-roll movie
-Movies that kind of suck, and are very raw and 'edgy'.
c. You vocally criticize and narrate the film as it plays, commonly making fun of it.
-This also fits into the category of meeting new people because you converse with those around you

Basically, it was a great experience.  I was expecting a bunch of nerdy gamer kids, but there happened to be a lot of really cool people there, not to mention the most adorable 'shy-guy' I've ever met.


Once we left Replay, I headed over to BJ-M's, where I met Bethany, one of my tightest girl friends.  We hung out, watched movies, watched Tales From the Crypt, and just had a good, relaxed time.  Around 5 AM Bethany and I decided a McDonald's run was in order on the way home considering that they were now serving breakfast, however BJ-M, being the douche bag we all love and adore, wanted us to pick him some up and drop it off, which was completely out of the way.  After much bickering we decided not to go to MD's.  Then, as if a fluke, on the way home Bethany turns to me and says, "Lets go to McDonald's and just not tell BJ-M".  At that moment Bethany became my new favorite person.


We walk into McDonalds.  I was rather loopy do to the time, and Bethany was still a bit intoxicated, and by a bit I mean adorably tipsy.  As we enter we are addressed by some guys who appear to be intoxicated, but we aren't sure.  They greet us and then invite us over for beer 5 in the morning.   We are then sure.  I politely decline for us, since Bethany had an 8 AM this morning, and they weren't very nice after that.  They left.

We then order, get our food and sit.  Two adorably drunk boys enter and ask us if they could join.  We obliged and chatted.  Not going to lie, I would have loved to hang out with them even though it was ridiculously later... or early.  We  exchanged digits and dropped the boys off at their house.


Nights like last make me happy to be young.  I dread the day that I have to go to bed at promptly 10 PM, after reading a book like "How to Battle Being Middle-Aged".

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Cal and More

My parents are moving...

I'm moving?

It's complicated.  My dad is getting relocated from Michigan to LA, California.  I'm going to school still at MSU.  Now though, when I want to go home or to go see my parents or my dog, I have to fly to LA...

It's weird.  I almost feel homeless.  I have my apartment, but I don't have a house.  My parents will have a house in LA- but is it really home to me?  I've never even been to that house.

So I have no home.  My parents have a home.  Not I.

In other news, Buffalo Wild Wings is now off of my "safe places to eat" list.  Thanks to their wings I spent the night sleeping on my bathroom floor, extremely unhappy.

Also, film film and more film.  I've missed it these past couple of weeks, but it is now coming back.  I'll be doing a voice over sock puppet skit with my costar from A Little Change in which I'm a Sarah Palin Sock Puppet and he's a Bush sock puppet for a new sketch comedy tv show that Fight Song Films is putting on.  I also just auditioned for a role in a mockumentary, so we'll see what happens with that.

Live long and prosper people.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Quick Update

I have a five page paper to write, a two page paper to write, a bunch of reading to do, and I don't want to do any of it.

School is not fun :(

Haven't really talked to BJ-M since the St. Patty's Day incident.

Ex-Boy and I have been talking a bit which is always weird and raises my hopes, then kills them instantaneously.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day

Let me just say that St. Patrick's Day will always leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Last year it was right after I broke up with Ex-Boy.  I was around annoying drunk people the whole day, stuck really far off campus with no transportation anywhere.  I finally sobered up and played DD to a party my friends were having that night.  By the time we got there everyone had been drinking all day long and were so on edge that it just wasn't any fun- for a lot of people.

Then I looked over and there it was, Ex-Boy, whom I had only been broken up with for two weeks, yet we still hooked up the week before (I had a hard time letting go), making out with a girl that was brought along to the party with one of my friends.

Needless to say I spent the night in tears.


This year wasn't any better.

First off it was a stressful day of classes, which, when they ended I had a gruesome paper to write that I had been putting off for over a month that was due two days prior (I got a couple days extended).

After I finally finished the paper, which normally should have only taken me an hour or two to write, yet took me four hours to finish, I got ready for film club- something fun, right?

Well BJ-M decided that none of them were going to go, and I already agreed to meet an acquaintance there.  So I was stuck, without any of my confidants, attending film club expecting to see the Pres there.  Luckily he was too much of a pussy to show his face.

A good friend, we'll name her K Girl, ended up coming by and we went to BJ-M's place, despite that fact that he pissed me off by not attending last minute.


We walk into a house, which you must imagine, that I know like the back of my hand.  I've basically lived there the past three and a half months.  The guys that live there are my best male friends, and know more than most about me, vice versa.  It's the kind of friendship that I can just show up unannounced and we end up hanging out cooped up there for three hours straight.

We have a solid group of friends that party and hang out with us that we very rarely stray from and if we do it's usually only one or two randoms that show up.

So I walk in and walk downstairs to where there is a plethora of party voices, only to find SEVEN people whom I have absolutely NO idea who they are, and only TWO of my friends.  You must understand that to walk into a situation like that with no prior warning is very uncomfortable.

It turns out that these are people BJ-M  and friends met on spring break in Panama.  One of which, is a girl BJ-M was obviously hooking up with considering the fact that she CLUNG to his arm as if the world was going to end...ALL night.  If that wasn't annoying enough, she was extremely unfriendly when I attempted to talk to her.

The time I spent trying to enjoy myself with K Girl and Jar (another friend), was soiled only by BJ-M coming up to me and whispering in my ear "oh my god you're so poutty, stop pouting!  wow you are so mad at me!  You are so mad!  You're pouting so much!"


Truth is, I was really trying to have fun up until that point- I was singing along with the music, dancing with my friends.  But after he kept doing that- which is what he obviously wanted to see me doing, and after the hooker that was clinging was as unfriendly as she was, I really did start to pout.

I sat there with phone in hand, and played on it for 2 hours.  Once I was finally okay to drive I up and left, barely saying goodbye to anyone.

I turned to the hooker and throw her a quick "nice meeting you," without really even looking at her, and leave.

What probably pissed me off the most was the fact that BJ-M was a completely different person in front of this girl.  He wouldn't even play the music he liked (hardcore) until she left, but when she came back he'd switch it off.  He barely talked to me and Jar because we are the prime people he likes to freak out on, which I'm sure he didn't want to do in front of her, even though we all know he's only joking around, or that's just how he is.


I don't care anymore.  I'll admit it.

I don't have those kind of feelings for BJ-M anymore.  But I definitely am the competitive, jealous best friend.

I don't like change- especially when I see it going in a bad direction.  Anyone who asks you, or you feel you must, change yourself for, isn't worth it.  Who I am is too important, more important than some college hook up or relationship.

I think I need a break from my group of friends now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Trip!

Well- London was amazing.  I'm already counting down until summer.

Paris was... an experience.

The second we got off the train we were bombarded by gypsies begging for money.  I didn't feel as safe or comfortable as I did in London.  The hotel we were at was on a shady street, but luckily we found the nicer areas surrounding it.

We stayed in Montparnasse, Paris.  The first night we went to dinner in the area.  I fell in love with every waiter we had there.  They were adorable.  The second day we did a bunch of touristy things.  We started with Musee D'orsay to see a bunch of the famous impressionist paintings.  Then we went to the Eiffel Tower, Arch De Triumph, Champs-Elysees, etc.  We ended the day at Sacre-Coeur, which is a church in Montmarte (the highest point in Paris).  The last day was dedicated to shopping.

Overall Paris was pretty okay, but I still liked London better.

I'd go into more detail about it but we did and saw so much that it would be impossible to cover all of the bases.

I will say that my brother's roommate is the most adorable Jewish English boy I've ever met- plus his family is in the diamond business- can you say catch?!

It was a good time.  I'm not looking forward to getting back into the whole school thing :(

Friday, March 13, 2009


Real post to come.  The other side is tiring.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cultural Differences?

Something really interesting in London.  On the streets, no one really makes eye contact with you.  When they do, it's  very rare and usually they aren't British or from the area.

I'm so used to walking down the streets in the U.S. and locking eyes with hundreds of people everyday.  Even if I don't acknowledge them, I still look at them.

It's just strange to me, that's all.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 1



Got on the plane, slept, read, slept some more.  Arrived, ate, slept, ate.

Walked through Angel- lovely.  Saw the canals.

Tonight is dinner with the parents and brother, then pre-gaming in Angel.  Clubs in Camden.

I feel like I'm a  character in The Rules Of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

London and Paris

My spring break has started and it's a good thing, too.  Tomorrow will consist of packing and spending the day going through customs at the airport.

Our flight to London departs at 6 PM and arrives, MI time, at 2 AM, London time that is 8AM.

Good thing I work shitty hours because I won't get jet lag too horribly.

Wednesday and Thursday will be spent in Paris.

We depart London on Saturday to head back to the states.

I. Am. So. Excited!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My friend from work had this posted on his facebook.  I read it, and instantly associated it with every guy I've ever dated.

if you "don't mean to be a dick" and then you do something that makes you a dick...not only are you a dick, but you are a liar.

What Went Down

Okay I guess I should explain myself.

What happened with The Pres:

Him and I started talking and flirting.  There was an immediate connection.  I did something very unlike myself- I let my guard down.  I let myself get excited about something that wasn't yet concrete.

He decided to break up with his girlfriend, partially because their relationship was shitty, and partially to be with me.

That night we hung out and were all cute and shit together and it went well.. so I thought.

I was at work and he I/med me and said something along the lines of 'I had a good time but it really freaked me out and I think there's going to be a lot of fallout with my ex, so I don't think we can proceed with this yet, and I just am very confused now and wasn't ready to break up with her'.

So I was polite about it and decided to leave him alone for a while and let him think or whatever he needed to do, even though I was hurt by it and angry with myself for letting myself get excited about it.

It has been 5 days since I talked to him, so I decided to text him hello and see how he's been, expecting either no response, or a response in which he is honest and says what's going on with him and his ex and his feelings (he's that kind of person, the kind that is extremely open about everything and likes to talk about shit).  Well his response was... rather vapid.  Not unfriendly, but just staying on the surface.

I think I need to be on spring break more than ever right now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Checks and Balances of "I Love You's"

Matters of the
heart are (hardly)

Jagged edges
of a dismal blade
run smoother
than those feelings
that overcome
one (or many).

It's messy yet
addicting; one
can(t) help but
fight for the

I've been awarded
the awful pain
of those (few) words.

'I Love You's'
are never spoken
when deep in
the [politics] of

Rather (reserved)
for befores
and afters.


So I've decided to start writing some poetry more often.  I haven't done it in a very long time, and I used to really enjoy it so I shall.

This one is dedicated to my feelings on sex and love trying to coincide in one world.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm her

I'm that girl.  I'm the girl that makes him realize how much he loves his girlfriend... every time.

I don't want to be her.