Friday, November 9, 2007


In addition to the 'Fucker' post. I found out shortly after he told me we couldn't be friends anymore, that he married his alcoholic girlfriend. I'm talking about two 26 year-olds, who both live with their parents. One of them works as a waiter while the other sits on her ass drinking with money from the other. Yeah, I got a little drunk and texted him. I told him we aren't friends anymore, have a good fucking life. His reply? 'Okie dokie, thanks you too," with another text saying, "If it makes you feel any better, no one came to the ceremony, it was at the court house...". It took me a while to realize what he meant by that. Then I was just sitting there, and it hit me. He married her. It makes so much more sense as to why he wanted to end the friendship. I just can't believe he wouldn't tell me. How long ago was it? When did it happen? It honestly, really does hurt. We were really good friends. All that bullshit he told my mom, how I'm one of his close friends, and one that he wouldn't want to lose. How I'm such a great person..all bullshit? It just leaves so many unanswered questions. It's saddening... having your heart broken, by the first person you ever loved.

I don't think I could handle seeing him. I think i'd want to kill him.

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