Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seasonal Craziness

It's about that time of the season where I've had enough.  The cold is so annoying, I just want it to be warm.

I've had enough of the weather, enough of fighting with my parents, enough of school, everything is just ENOUGH!

I know it's seasonal, and I know once it warms up everything will seem to suddenly get better, but right now I just feel really out of control.

I have so much to get done- but then I feel like I have nothing to get done all the same.

-Read for Astronomy
-Read for film
-Watch movie for film
-work on my theater scene
-Read shakespeare (ugh) for English



Passionista said...

I've felt like that before! Not only is it normal, but you will get through it!

Jess said...

I always start to feel a little blah around the beginning of February, so I understand! Looking forward to the warm weather, for sure! It will be here before we know it!