Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dream Boy

Ex-Boy and I are done.

Dream Boy- he is amazing.  This is the boy I hung out with that I mentioned in my last post.

He has every trait I want in a guy that I would be with forever.  He's absolutely perfect for me.  I haven't been as happy as I am today in a really long time.

I don't only have butterflies in my stomach from this boy but rather dinosaurs.  I now know what first-kiss-fireworks feel like.  And I love it.


Jess said...

This made me feel so happy for you! Congrats.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! :)

Passionista said...

Thank goodness. I just read your last three posts and I found myself sayinf "no, no, no" then "yes, yes, yes," and then no again...well you get it. I'm glad you have found a better boy, one who is worth your time. But remember if it doesn't work out perfectly, there will be another! (and it won't be Ex-boy)

Jess said...

I'm sort of wondering what's going on in your life and if everything is ok?!

Estrella Bella said...

Jess! I'm not sure if you're even still on blogger but I JUST saw your last comment and made a post just to catch you up with what's happened in my life in the past 4 years!