Friday, December 14, 2007

The Airport.

I went and picked my brother up from the airport today. I've decided that airports are made for lonely people to feel even more lonely. Watching the people meet and greet their loved ones is almost saddening. Lame, I know.

Like I said, my brother is home. We are actually getting along, weird, I know. He treats me like a normal person- not really like a friend or anything, but just like a human being, hah.

I'm supposed to go to the piston's game tonight with mi padre and some other people who we haven't decided on yet. Problem is by the time we get there it's going to be so busy and crowded that it won't be fun. We'll for sure hit traffic- it won't be a good time.

If we don't go, I'll get to see my whole family, whom I miss very much. I'll get to see Hayden, my new, beautiful baby cousin I talk about all of the time.

I think I'm going to start video blogging. I don't know why, but all of the sudden I've realized I have a lot more to say when I speak, rather than when I type.

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