Thursday, October 4, 2007

ISS 210

This class is going to kill me. I'm dead tired. What I really want to do right now is take a nap. Not sit in a 2 hour lecture that I won't comprehend. I feel like what she talks about has no relevance to anything else. It almost seems as if she started the class in the middle of the semester... :-/

There are so many people in this class. 200 I'd say. I love people watching. Quantity-wise, it's a great place to people watch. Quality-wise, not so much. Everyone does the same thing. They sit on their fancy laptops, talking to their friends on AIM, surfing facebook, or playing solitaire. Some people talk to the people around them, most just keep to themselves. I'm fortunate enough to sit in the back of the room, elevated. I can see every game of solitaire, every ESPN sports stat. It's great. The prof has a preconceived-notion that the kids in the back, me included, don't pay attention. Truth is, no one pays attention.

Some chick just tripped over her backpack.

No one knows what's going on.

This is great.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looooooooooool, and here I am in 2010 and taking this class...loool I find really hard, I can't connect it in my mind, I feel it is just few random ---ologies are taken in one lecture and they don't have any relation to each other, you are lucky that you are done with it lol, I hope I get out of it safely