Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Hope I Won't Regret This

I don't know if I'm going to regret this or not, but I made contact with The Let Down.

It's been over a year since I've last talked to him.  I used to think about him every day.  After a couple months it became less and less frequent.  I still think about him from time to time but I know that what happened had happened for a reason.  I'm in a much better place- although I still seem to aim pretty low when it comes to men in my life.

He still has (hopefully) my book.  Franny and Zooey by: JD Salinger.  One of my favorite authors.  I really just want my book back.

My email to him was short, and sweet.  He most likely won't respond.  He definitely won't expect it.  Hell, I didn't even expect I'd be emailing him.  For some reason though, he came across my mind, like most things locked away in the confines of my mind do at 6 AM after being up for almost 24 hours.

Lets hope I get my book back over break.  That's all I can ask for...

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