Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Messy Rooms, Mall Jobs, and Workers of the Night

So, I'm sitting in my all-too-messy bedroom, it's 1:12 AM, I have class at 10:20 AM, but suddenly I'm overcome with this urge to clean my room.

I'm not going to lie- when it comes to having my own room, I sometimes let it become a mess.  Not messy in the disgusting-sense of the word, but more so just clothes scattered everywhere; as if my closet exploded.  I also seem to have a lot of empty water glasses scattered on my desk.  Okay, don't be too shocked, but I counted, there are 6 empty glasses that once held water scattered on my desk.  THIS IS INSANITY.  Why, would anyone in their right mind need to have 6 empty glasses.  I obviously have been life?  My living situation?  My bedroom?

I think it's time for some good old-fashioned spring (read:fall) cleaning.

You're probably wondering why I'm going on and on about cleaning.  Let me tell you- it's because my creativity and motivation has run dry.  I have nothing to write today, and I'm extremely unmotivated.

On a plus note, I did go and apply for jobs today.  I got all dressed up, heals and all, and went over to good, old Meridian Mall.  Six applications, blisters (from the heals), 1/16th tank of gas (not even), and a creeper hitting on me, all to get only ONE interview.  That's right, just one.  Not only is it an interview for a mall job *rolls eyes* but it's a group interview.  Gosh I hate these things.  

On the other hand, about an hour ago when I went to IHOP with the lovely Calla, I ran into my ex-roommate Roomie X.  She was with some theatre friends and one of them so kindly (after I gushed about what a shitty saturday I had locked up) told me about his job.  You see, he works night reception desk at one of the dorms.  This entails going to work at 11:30 PM and staying until 6 AM.  Considering Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays my classes don't start until 2 PM, this sounded perfect.  He said he'd put a good word in, so we will see what will come of it.

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