Sunday, October 26, 2008

That's what you call it when you get traumatized by someone- Bonding.

Last night, after the AMAZING defeat MSU had over U of M, I went out with my 27 year old cousin and her 22 year old boyfriend, who, yes, is closer to my age, than hers.  As you might know, I'm from the  suburbs.  Not really a city girl (yet), and the city of East Lansing is smaller than my hometown, so it doesn't really count.  Anyways, we decided to hit up Detroit.  I've been to Detroit before, but only one other time that was on the same playing field as last night.  Usually I'd go for a baseball game, or in High School we'd go during the afternoon on a field trip.  Ridiculous stuff like that.

Last night we decided to hit up the town and our first stop was The Magic Stick.  Last time I was in Detroit, aside from last night, we went to the Majestic Cafe, which is attached to the Magic Stick, and then hit up some sketchy house party.  At the Majestic Cafe, it was a lot of late 20, early 30-somethings having a drink after work.  Last night, not so much.  The Magic Stick is a totally different atmosphere.  It's a grungy version of Lucky Strikes almost.  It's like a dirty dive bar downstairs, then in the back is bowling, and when you go upstairs it's a concert venue..a small one.

Last night, The Legendary Pink Dots were playing the venue, hence why we ended up there, because Christos, Sarah's boyfriend, was photographing them (it's his job).  If you didn't know, the reason they put Legendary in front of band names, is because the band is most likely pretty old.  This band- was like a cult.  Creepy, to say the least, and old.  Their following was all mid forties men with extremely long hair.  Needless to say, Sarah, her friend who showed up a little later, and I hung out at the dive bar part downstairs, shooting the shit.

If there is something you'd need to know about Sarah, it's that she was always the golden child of our family.  She got praise everywhere she went.  Which, ultimately, aided the fact that she's become one of the most judgmental people I know.  Don't get me wrong, she can be a lot of fun, but sometimes it's a little much.  Another thing, Sarah used to be BIG in the underground Chicago club scene, in which everyone in said scene has a crazy fake name they go by, so most of her friends are named Awesome, or Clash, or Crank, or whatever weird shit they come up with.  That part isn't so much relevant, as it's just a fun fact.

So, Sarah and I are hanging out, and talking about some of our family that we aren't so fond of*.  We are pulling out these crazy stories that revolve around them and just laughing at how ridiculous they are.  Then Sarah starts to say something about one of my family member, but she didn't outright say it, and I didn't know what she was talking about, so I asked.  Next thing I know, Sarah's face goes extremely pale and she tries to change the subject.  Of course, one's first instinct in a situation like this is to try to get the story out of them.  We fought about her telling me for 10 minutes before she finally told me one of the craziest, most ridiculous stories I've ever heard.

I'm not going to say what was said, because I do deem it extremely inappropriate for people to know, even myself included, I wish I hadn't even bothered.  However, I'm so bothered by it now.  I almost feel like it's just Sarah's side of the family making shit up because they dislike these particular family members that much.  Which, in this case would be very plausible.  However, the story she told...that too could be very plausible.  I can't ask any of my family, because if it is true, I'm obviously not supposed to know, and I'm not sure any of the family is REALLY supposed to know, and if it isn't true, they would be devistatedly** hurt that the other side of our family would make up a story of this level.

I finally made Sarah drop the story.  I'm just going to pretend like I've never heard it.  It's that disturbing, and I love my family unconditionally, no matter what crazy shit goes down.

So after the Magic Stick, and all the crazies that frequent it, we decided to hit up an underground bar show that Christos knew about.  First, we got lost driving around Detroit for about an hour, though.  While that was going on, some hoodlum on a bicycle was trying to pick us up, cause we know the "Hey Baby" method works, oh so well.  We did FINALLY make it to the underground bar show.

When we pulled up- this place was SO fucking jank.  All the windows were boarded up, and you'd think that it was shut down- it wasn't.  We walked in, and all we heard was noise- apparently this is the kind of shit Christos listens to.  Everyone in the place was either completely trashed, or coked up.  It was enjoyable to be a bystander.  Christos got me a beer and I stood in the corner with Sarah.  We finally got tired of the noise, and decided to head back to the 'burbs.  These are the kinds of nights that Sarah has every weekend.  I can only imagine.. and lets leave it at that.

*I really do love my family a lot, but you know, there are always the little things you have to vent about.

**Yes, I just created that word.  Spread it, live it, love it.

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