Thursday, November 13, 2008


Thanks to Emma for giving me material for today's post!  She nominated moi as a Proud Bookworm!

Rules are:
Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 46. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The closest book, not the coolest, or the one you think will sound the best. THE CLOSEST.

Here it is, from Libby and Short's Financial Accounting:
"She works full-time for a large CPA firm and has been assigned to do the audit of her friend's business.  Mark Jacobs borrowed $100,000 for a home mortgage from First City National Bank.  The mortgage was granted on normal credit terms.  Mark is the partner in charge of the First City audit."

Real interesting stuff, huh?

As for 5 bloggers:

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