Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Working Hard for the Money!

Hello Kids, please have a seat, and pay attention!

Today's lesson is on Karma.

So, remember how I couldn't find a job, and I really really needed one?  remember how no one would call me back and I was so frustrated.

Then I finally got a job. Night Reception.  This one I'm actually really excited for cause it'll give me tons of time to get homework done and such.

Well, the other day I got another call.  Bath and Body Works.  Any girl knows that a 30% discount at Bath and Body Works is like making out with Jude Law, you can't pass that up!  So, I accepted.

I now have 2 jobs.  This could get stressful, however, the way i've been justifying it is  NR is only at night.  Bath and Body Works will only give me a shift a week until the holidays.  During the holidays NR doesn't work.  Therefore, it kind of balances?  Lets hope I can do this!

It would only happen to me that I  can't get ANY job and then all of the sudden I have two!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh congratulations on both of your jobs! I hope all the job-juggling works for you :-)