Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, I've decided to to NaBloPoMo, which is basically a challenge to write a blog post (or, knowing me, more) a day.

For the purpose of not driving everyone crazy, I'm going to refrain from talking about the election, or anything politically related... I will say, whatever happens, happens.  We won't be able to change what the results are, so just have faith that whichever candidate wins will do a good job, and take good care of our country.

With that said, today has been a lazy day, and it had no right to be.  I have an exam Thursday, a paper due as well, and an exam Friday.  I should be studying.  I've seem to let my studies go.  It's hard to get back into the gist of things when your classes are completely uninteresting.  I'm meeting with an advisor from the English department on Friday so I'm hoping we can get everything figured out..

Not only has my motivation for school run dry, but I feel completely unmotivated to work on my screenplay as well.  I've deleted all of it except for two scenes.  It has no direction, and I need to figure it out.  I'd like to be able to do a read through with film club in a week.  We'll see if I even make it through this week with all the work I'm neglecting to get done.

And again, I find myself writing about absolutely nothing important...


Anonymous said...

Happy November blogging! Looking forward to reading your posts. Hope the studying starts going better...I'm struggling through my dissertation at the moment so I sympathise!

Melanie "Meme" Burris said...

love your blog! thanks for following me! i will do the same as well!